2024 Wind Renewable Energy Scholarship Programme
Vestas Empowerment Trust (VESTAS) has historically invested in primary education programmes in Makhanda, Eastern Cape. The goal of the PEP is to improve literacy and numeracy, improve the quality of teachers’ teaching and parental involvement to support learners in their development.
A recent strategy review has resulted in VESTAS strategic shift and focus to funding a scholarship programme for Black female students, from disadvantaged backgrounds. The success of the programme would see a provision of holistic, wrap around support that would give them the best chances of success, while at the same time generating skills for the wind industry.
VET has partnered with social investment fund management and advisory firm Tshikululu Social Investments as a trust administrator, with the responsibility of successfully executing the project.
Scholarship Overview:
The Scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance through full scholarships at partner higher educational institutions in South Africa, as listed below, to support the formal qualification and training of aspiring Black Female students in STEM disciplines, particularly the wind renewable energy sector.
Who should apply:
- Grade 12 learners or undergraduate students in 2023, pursuing a three or four-year studies Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering degrees. This will also include Mechatronic Engineering higher certificate and Electrical Engineering diploma, at one of the below mentioned institutions.
- Black students, as defined by the B-BBEE Code of Conduct (Black, Coloured or Indian).
- Only South African citizens will be considered.
- Grade 12 academic average of 60% minimum.
- Undergraduate academic record/results, with a minimum of 60% academic performance
- Provisional tertiary acceptance letter for Grade 12 learners
- Self-funded students (students who have another bursary or NSFAS funding will not qualify).
Selected higher education institutions:
- University of Cape Town
- Nelson Mandela University
- Boland College
Application Deadline: 24 November 2023
Take note: For 2023 year-end results and final acceptance offers, please make sure to email these by 15 January 2024.
To apply, please send a full application (that is, one application email with all the attachments) to vestas@tshikululu.org.za